Through powerful video productions, we've woven stories that transcend screens, empowering dreams and supporting exceptional students in their pursuit of education. Welcome to a world where every frame tells a story and every story makes a difference.
The Video
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Production & Visual Storytelling
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Final Frame (Conclusion)
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Established in 2005 by Mrs. Azadeh Hariri, a business owner, and philanthropist, the Iranian Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to supporting exceptional students of Iranian descent who lack the financial means to pursue higher education and fulfill their academic aspirations.

Production & Visual Storytelling

Our collaboration with the organization began in 2016, resulting in an 11-minute video that featured a mini-documentary about the organization's founder, delving into its history and underlying mission. The video also showcased three stories from past recipients, interviews with selection committee members, and footage from previous organization events. In this concise 11-minute span, we seamlessly blended various storytelling elements—history, information, testimonials infused with emotion—and conveyed the organization's future visions.

Furthermore, we crafted dynamic logo animation and graphic sequences for both the introduction and conclusion of the videos. These were complemented by carefully selected music that resonates with the organization's goals, fostering a sense of community.

The videos we produced for the Iranian Scholarship Foundation (ISF) serve as compelling examples of how storytelling can be effectively harnessed to create engaging promotional content for companies.


The videos achieved remarkable success at the organization's annual Gala events, surpassing expectations and significantly contributing to fundraising efforts. We take pride in having consistently produced videos for their annual gala event for eight consecutive years so far. Our storytelling expertise has played a crucial role in advancing the organization's humanistic goals, supporting students in desperate need of assistance to pursue their education—where, for some, this support is a matter of survival.

Opening Special: 20% Discount!
Book now, offer ends July 31st.