EQ Restraint

Embark on a visual journey to feel the seismic impact of EQ Restraint's effective yet straightforward solution, seamlessly blending storytelling with innovative earthquake resilience video production.
The Video
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Production & Visual Storytelling
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Final Frame (Conclusion)
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In the realm of crafting videos for innovative startups, the experience is truly gratifying. Witnessing the fusion of creativity, intelligence, innovation, and sheer effort that propels these ventures is a joy. Our collaboration with EQ Restraint stands out among these experiences, particularly due to the unique product they have meticulously developed. Their creation is a seemingly simple yet highly effective engineered solution designed to mitigate equipment loss during earthquakes and prevent biohazards in medical labs post-earthquake, specifically tailored for deployment in hospitals, health centers, and medical lab environments.

Production & Visual Storytelling

Our initial involvement revolved around capturing the shake table test of EQ Restraint's product at the esteemed University of British Columbia (UBC). This pivotal test showcased the scientific efficacy of the product in a simulated earthquake scenario. Recognizing the significance of this visual demonstration for potential customers, we meticulously documented the test process from various angles. This approach not only elucidated the scientific underpinnings but also fortified trust in the functionality of the product.

Additionally, we produced a concise video showcasing the product's assembly, accentuating its "streamlined" and "easy installation" attributes. The aim was to underscore specific features that set it apart from competitors. In the editing phase, meticulous attention was given to ensuring seamless transitions, optimal pacing, and visual continuity, resulting in a video that was both minimalistic and dynamic.


The culmination of our collaborative efforts with EQ Restraint yielded two compelling videos that resonated strongly with the client's objectives. Whether it was making a lasting impact in academic presentations and seminars or effectively attracting customers, these videos proved instrumental in showcasing the magnificence of EQ Restraint's innovative product.

Opening Special: 20% Discount!
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