Discover the vibrant world of EPACENTER in East Palo Alto through our captivating video productions. From immersive tours of the creative youth development center to in-depth explorations of facilities, our videos showcase the transformative impact of art, design, technology, and culture classes on vulnerable youth.
The Video
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Production & Visual Storytelling
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Final Frame (Conclusion)
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We take immense pride in the diverse array of video productions we've crafted for EPACENTER, a creative youth development center located in East Palo Alto. EPACENTER is dedicated to offering art, design, technology, and culture classes for vulnerable youth in the city.

Production & Visual Storytelling

During our initial encounter with this art center, its magnificent main building was still under construction. Among the first videos we produced was a comprehensive tour showcasing the interior and exterior of the building, various rooms, and ongoing classes. Leveraging our technical expertise in drone videography and stabilizers, we seamlessly captured the essence of the space from start to finish. To address incomplete rooms, we employed motion tracks in After Effects, skillfully populating them with equipment and devices. For instance, in the art exhibition, we integrated students' paintings, while in the music class, we strategically placed musical instruments to prevent the space from appearing barren.

For the pivotal annual gala, we orchestrated a compelling portrayal of the center's atmosphere by bringing students and instructors into the fold. Through interviews with the center's manager, strategic b-roll footage, parent and student testimonials, and dynamic editing accompanied by motion graphics, we crafted an engaging and lifelike video experience.

Additionally, we produced an informative series of explainer videos highlighting the center's facilities, such as the theater control room and building installation facilities. Furthermore, we developed short, commercial-style videos tailored for their social media campaigns, along with a captivating video series showcasing music concerts held within the building.

In each video category, we incorporated dynamic motion graphics and logo animations to enhance visual appeal.


Throughout our collaboration with this art center, the videos we created across various facets proved highly successful. Whether in raising awareness, engaging and attracting students and families, facilitating education and training, or generating leads, our videos consistently delivered impactful results.

Opening Special: 20% Discount!
Book now, offer ends July 31st.