Afro-Iranian Music

Embark on a captivating journey into Afro-Iranian Music. Unveiling hidden rhythms, our strategic mini-documentary and dynamic social media video not only introduced this unique musical tradition but played a pivotal role in the sold-out success of concerts at iconic venues: the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and the Apollo Theater in New York.
The Video
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Production & Visual Storytelling
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Final Frame (Conclusion)
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In the vast landscape of music, hidden treasures await discovery, and one such gem is Afro-Iranian Music—a genre still unfamiliar to many. Enter the captivating world of Ensemble Shanbehzadeh, a group led by the remarkable Saeid Shanbezadeh, offering audiences a mesmerizing experience immersed in the trance-inducing rhythms, songs, and dances of Bushehr.

Video's Goal

The primary objective of our marketing campaign was to introduce Afro-Iranian music to a broader audience, driving ticket sales for Ensemble Shanbehzadeh's upcoming concerts at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and the Apollo Theater in New York.

Execution Plan

To achieve this, we crafted a compelling mini-documentary featuring the talented Afro-Iranian artist and ensemble director, Saeed Shanbehzadeh. Additionally, a dynamic short video tailored for social media commercials and advertisements was designed to leverage the immense power of social platforms in amplifying the Afro-Iranian Music journey.

Production & Visual Storytelling

The mini-documentary unfolded through an engaging interview with Saeed Shanbehzadeh, complemented by carefully curated archival materials and footage from past concerts. A dynamic visual storytelling structure was employed to weave together the rich history of this musical tradition. We meticulously selected pieces from archival materials that seamlessly aligned with the video’s overarching goal.

In tandem, a short video for social media campaigns utilized captivating motion graphics, providing clear information about the concerts. This approach played a pivotal role in promoting the events, capturing audience attention, and contributing significantly to the success of sold-out performances at iconic venues.


Our odyssey into the realm of Afro-Iranian Music with Ensemble Shanbehzadeh stands as a testament to the potent combination of storytelling, creative content, and the expansive reach of social media in championing unique art forms. The mini-documentary successfully introduced Afro-Iranian Music to the world, filling iconic venues with enthusiastic fans. The short, dynamic social media video further captivated audiences, solidifying the success of performances at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and the Apollo Theater in New York. The tangible result was two sold-out events, boasting 2,500 attendees in San Francisco and a full house of 1,500 at the Apollo Theater in New York.

Opening Special: 20% Discount!
Book now, offer ends July 31st.